Hmm, this one will take some more effort... Show us 5 of your favorite pictures. (I'm interpreting this to be photos of me/photos I've taken, either one)
- Obviously, a wedding photo has to be one of my favorites! This is hanging in our home, and is so pretty with the light!
Photo by Jenny GG - This photo I took on Stradbroke Island in Australia, one morning as the sun was just coming up. The timing could have been a little better, and I've never processed it to it's full potential, but I do love it. This is also hanging in our home.
Personal Photo - This photo just makes me laugh! It's ridiculous. It was taken on a Royal Caribbean cruise, and this statue guy was always making us think he was a real dude pointing at something! It was so weird that they put him up there... So I decided to have some fun with it!
Personal Photo - Here's another Australia photo - these are wild birds that just know that at this wildlife sanctuary at certain times, people will be holding out feed for them, so they swarm the area! It's kind of amazing, and you can't even tell here how many birds were all around us, squaking. Dino is so cute here too!
Personal Photo - And we'll round it out with another wedding photo. Jumping photos are always kind of cool, but our people ROCKED them. The guy on the far left was amazing, did some crazy cool ninja kicks and stuff. This one isn't the best of everyone, but I look like I'm floating! So funny.
Photo by Jenny GG
I'm sure there are more, specifically baby photos and such, but these were already digital (lazy blogging!). Wedding photos have to be in the favorites, right?

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