Friday, June 21, 2013

The Tunes: First Dance

With the invitations almost all out the door now (holding some back, since we are inviting WAY MORE than can fit...), we're finally hitting on some decisions we've had on the back burner.  Right now, it's music.

We are both crazy indecisive, though, and both want to pick the "right" music, so we're having some trouble. Our first song we tried to tackle was the FIRST DANCE...

The first dance song has to be slow enough to dance to, sound lovely, preferably be by an artist we both know and like, and have good lyrics with a positive sentiment.  This has caused us to throw out quite a few songs...

After some searching, I decided "Hold On" by Michael Buble would be perfect!  I loved it, it had a good tempo, I love his sound, and at first listen, the lyrics are nice: inspirational, talking about love, toughing through the hard times...

Actually, after listening to it again, it seems a lot more positive and happy than it did last night...  But Dino thought it was too much of a downer, with some of the lyrics.  So we dismissed that song.

This next one I stumbled on, and liked.  Dino actually likes this one, and if we don't pick another, this'll be our fall-back.  "Brighter Than Sunshine" by Aqualung.

Apparently the word "Sunshine" is happier, and a nice sentiment.  Plus we're hoping for sun on the wedding day.

Dino also didn't hate "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait, but he wasn't a huge fan of She & Him's "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me" (even though I not so secretly want to be Zooey Deschanel's BFF or maybe just be her...).

We have a pretty big list that I've compiled to go through still, but I have a feeling most will be too fast ("Forever" by Walter Meego was dismissed for that reason, along with "Everything" by Michael Buble, even though the lyrics of the latter would have been perfect!) or just too weird for him.  I'm wondering what he'll think of "Strangers in the Wind" by Cut Copy, for example, since he loves the band, but it might be a little fast and not sentimental enough.  I'm currently going through the list to cull out the ones I know he'll hate!

Any suggestions?  It's so hard to narrow it down, when what I would consider "our song" is "Thing for Me" by Metronomy, which is not exactly slow-dance-able (except by robot or other crazy dance, and we don't want people to think we're that weird, though we totally are).

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Clock is Ticking Down...

We're almost to the point where we can get our marriage license!  Wow.  Time is moving so fast.

We also had a meeting with our caterer.  It, too, was really fast.  Like, 20 minutes.  We either were so prepared that it was easy or we were so unprepared that we couldn't decide anything.  I think it was mostly the first one, with a tiny bit of the second mixed in.  But it was nice to chat about it and get a better idea of the day.  We picked linens, and showed them a prelim layout.

Lets see...  We also have the invitations in our hot little hands, and are slowly working to get them sent out.  My only concern is... HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I PRINT ON THE ENVELOPES?!?!?  I used to print on envelopes alllll the time at my last job, like, seriously, every day.  So for these I did a mail merge, I got it all formatted, and they won't even PRINT.  Not even print in the wrong place or print with the wrong font or anything, they just refuse to print anything.  The printers don't recognize that I'm printing a document.  I am so confused.  And I've tried on the work printer (shhh...) and at home, and tried with 3 different computers!  I just think that printing directly on them wasn't meant to be.

So labels it is.  I already gave up and printed labels for the RSVP envelopes last night, and got those prepped.  Also put stamps on 2/3 of those.  Used our sweet return address stamp on the back of all the main envelopes too.  All the invites have ties around them and the hang tags, and I've numbered all the RSVP cards with invisible ink (just in case).  All that is left is actually slipping the RSVPs and their envelopes into the ties around the invites, then putting them into the envelopes with the labels (but I want to get the labels on first so I can keep the numbered RSVPs in order...).

Really hope I can get these invites sent out tomorrow or Saturday!

We made a huge to-do list that still needs to be filled in...  So that isn't helpful yet!

And we had our first counselling session last week, which basically was telling us what we already knew (we're awesome, but I can be stubborn and he/we can be passive and pushovers, so I need to listen to him more and not always get my way.)

And the game plan for my bachelorette has been set, and the first of my bridal showers is coming up soon!

So lots has been going on, and life in general has been crazy.  I should break this down, or at LEAST add photos, but I will try to do that by topic later.  Geesh!