But here we are the on the second day of the year. And I've kind of thought about it. There are some things that have been floating around in my head that won't take much serious thought. So here are some sorta-kinda-resolutions I'm making:
- Hit at least 10,000 steps in a day at least once or twice a week. Currently I consider it a good day to hit 5,000 steps, which is not great. Yesterday we went on a walk and it was lovely and nice and I managed to get 11,000 in the day. Working in an office, sitting at a desk most of the day, it's not exactly possible for me to work while walking around typically, so I am trying to be realistic here. Our walk took a couple hours, I think, and it sadly isn't a high priority to spend that time walking some days. So to take more steps just once or twice a week is more achievable, and I think I can commit to it (plus once the Sounders games start again, I will easily hit that by walking to and from the game and around the stadium!). And then maybe when I get in the habit, it'll get easier to get that many steps more often.
- Get a freaking new job / quit my awful job. I need need NEED to get out of this job. I know I sound so whiny, but I just can't take it anymore. I don't want to go in to much detail, but lets just say certain responsibilities fall to me and they really shouldn't, and it's really hard. We were talking about how next year we wanted to make sure we took certain days around the holidays off, and how Dino was going to maybe just ask for them off now, and I was like "me too!... except I hope I'm not at the same job..." So definitely want to actually get a new job this year.
- Reply to texts in a timely manner. I have the worst habit of reading a text, thinking "oh, I'll reply later" (especially when it is not a good response or I'm feeling lazy), and then never responding. So I want to respond faster, even if it is just a "I'm not sure right now" or "Let me get back to you."
- Just better communication in general. I'm terrible at remembering to call my dad regularly, and not very good at being completely open and communicative with my husband. Not that I keep things from anyone, but I just rarely feel like I have much exciting to say, or don't want to get too crazy obsessive by talking about certain things too much, so I just don't talk instead. I think I have gotten so much better at communicating than I used to be, but that doesn't mean I'm anywhere close to good at it. And some topics are just a bit awkward, a little harder to bring up naturally and comfortably, so I want to do better at saying things when I'm thinking them, not waiting for "the right time" all the time.
- Get our electrical done once and for all! Now that we basically have the money, we need to get a couple quotes and just do it.
And here are some resolutions I am not making:
- Not typing as long of paragraphs as explanations. I am not succinct, but that's okay.
- Any kind of cleanse. I like food, I don't like feeling ill or starved, and I don't think my eating habits are crazy out of whack. Sure, they could be more healthy, but I'm not going to kill myself to stick to any kind of specific diet. I'd rather enjoy my food and my life, thank you very much.
- Giving up alcohol. I probably don't need to drink as much as I tend to (every night isn't excessive, right?) but I'm not going to cut it out of my diet right now. See "enjoying my life," above.
- Losing weight in some abstract sense. I know I want to lose some weight. I know that would be healthy. But I am hesitant to assign some random number of pounds to lose, without more specific guidelines. That is why I would like to focus on moving more, specifically getting more steps in, than just "lose weight" or "exercise." And "eat more healthily" also is too broad. Maybe I could try to eat at least 2 vegetables at lunch and dinner, or something to that effect.
- Write more. I would love to write more, but currently it is sadly not a priority. This place is so neglected, but I have nothing interesting to add (whoa, see better communication, above...) and so it's become a place for me to just type out loud (much like my livejournal was back in the day!). It would be great to have more to say, but man, I'm really not focusing on that right now.
I hope your New Years Eve was fun and happy and safe! 2015 is bound to be better than 2014 for me, because as I've been telling my husband, my mom can't die twice! (Said as a joke, but with tears in my eyes, so take that as you will...)