Monday, February 2, 2015

Walk walk walk!

My father-in-law is incredible.  Since I met him, he's lost a ton of weight, and started eating better and walking all the time.  He generally walks 15,000 steps a day, which is awesome.

One of my resolutions was to try to get moving more, and get 10,000 steps at least once or twice a week...  Well, I am so proud of myself, because I am killing it.  Last week I got at least 10,000 steps every. single. day.  Fantastic, right?  My last 7 days are nearly 80,000 steps.

I feel like I'm bragging a little here, but I want to share a couple secrets I've stumbled into on this walking journey.

My FitBit has been so happy with me lately!  Personal Photo

1) Competition is EVERYTHING.  A few of my friends and I have fitbits, so we joined up, and do their competitions.  We've done a couple "Work week hustle"s and last weekend did the "Weekend warrior" competition.  It's crazy addictive for me to watch to see where I fall, and to try to get just a couple hundred more steps to get into the lead.  My husband thinks I'm crazy, as I'm pacing around the house at 10 pm, but the competition really drives me.  A larger group of friends is doing a month-long challenge in February, which will hopefully push me to keep up the walking.

2) Go the long way.  I usually take the shortcuts, or try to get things done quickly, so when I would walk, I was missing out on a lot of steps.  But now I'm focused not only on getting somewhere, or doing something, but walking.  So I walk around the store the long way, or I park far away if I drive, or just take a walk around the block instead of going the short way.  I feel a little silly sometimes, but I'm not all that concerned.

3) Costco.  On last Monday, I only had about 6,000 steps after work, and in the competition I was losing.  So I went to Costco!  I couldn't walk there, since I actually needed to buy stuff, but walking around the store to gather stuff I managed to get about 3,000 steps.  That's crazy, right?!  Walking around the store you don't really think about how much you're walking, and Costco is so huge!

4) Make excuses to go on walks.  I've been making excuses to walk to different stores nearby, or the bank, or other stuff.  It helps me to have a place I'm going, and not just walk around aimlessly (even though I will take the long way).  I would be taking my dog out for more walks, but her leg and back have been hurting her, so I don't have that excuse to get outside more.  But once I'm up and out the door with a destination in mind, it's easier to keep going and get more steps in.

This crazy dog would be going for a lot more walks right now, but she's injured.  Poor baby.  Personal Photo
5) Make it a routine, and let people know.  By having the competitions, it's let some of my friends know that I am trying to walk more.  But beyond that, I've told my coworkers that I'm doing the competitions also, and they've been pretty supportive (although they do tease a little...).  So my boss is well aware that I'm probably going to go out for a long walk at lunch time, and he's even been okay with me going for a 25 minute walk in the morning once in awhile (getting coffee is the goal, but of course I take the long way).  Not only has it helped me establish a routine and figure out how to fit more walking into my day, but it's nice to get out, get some fresh air, and take a break from work!  It has been nice that the weather has been pretty amazing and beautiful, so we'll see if I can still force myself outside when it gets rainier, but it's good to know that it is pretty easy to get a few thousand steps in at lunch.

Overall, I've been keeping up with that resolution, and I'm so proud!  Aside from just walking more, it's also encouraging me to eat a little healthier, especially at lunch (the easiest places to walk to get lunch are the grocery stores nearby, so I can get a salad or sandwich or fruit easily!), and I think I have lost a pound or two.  I've also been working out a bit more (but I don't get as many steps from doing the workout video so I'm tempted to just go on a long walk in the dark instead!).  And another awesome benefit is that my husband goes on walks with me, either late after work or on the weekends, so we spend some good quality time together.  We're going to Maui soon, so it's important we keep it up there and keep going on walks (but on or to the beach!).

This weekend I got over 20,000 steps one day, and feel like I might be able to give my father-in-law a run for his money!

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