- Plan and cook amazing meals every day
- Work out every day
- Clean the house
- Sell leftover wedding things and unnecessary furniture online
- Craft
- Paint the front room
- Organize the wedding leftovers
- Go to the library
- Go to the zoo
- Start blogging more regularly
- Begin the process to be able to bake and sell my delicious cookies
- Learn to sew
- Garden / fix up our yard
- Laundry
- Sleep in!
I do know that in reality I probably would be much lazier and get barely anything done, but if I don't have the chance to try then how will we ever know?! I just feel so rushed and overwhelmed pretty much all of the time, and it doesn't seem like it should be that way. It would be nice to be able to take life at my own pace, where I could maybe feel caught up and on top of things for once.
I'm still not sure I really want to have kids (I keep wavering back and forth, so it's a good thing we have a while to decide!), but if we do I can guarantee that I'll be staying home with them. And that is the #1 reason I want to have kids (at this very moment, but it changes every minute!).
Is being a housewife really as wonderful as I've imagined it? Is it lonely or boring at all? I could see that... I can also bet I'd be annoying and clingy to my husband when he's home!