Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Year!

Seeing 2013 come to a close was definitely bittersweet.  It was a wonderful year!  A year of many weddings, not the least of which my own.  A year of good friends, travel, new experiences.  But I am looking forward to 2014.  I'm hoping for some more change.  I find blogs most interesting when they show me a part of someone's life, when they give a glimpse into their reality.  And I'd love to join the ranks of "more interesting" blogs!  But I'm not sure my life is exciting enough.

Therefore, this year I'm hoping to challenge myself.  Push myself out of my comfort zone.  There are a few things I'd like to do/try:

  1. Find a new job.  Ideally part time.  Maybe not in an office?  This scares me, because I'm pretty comfy where I am, but SO BORED and ready to move on.  Also, my coworkers are ALWAYS sick.  Always.  It's driving me crazy.
  2. Finally take that hot air balloon ride I got for last Christmas!  I've been looking forward to it, but in the craziness of last summer, we didn't get a chance to go.  So this summer!
  3. Visit my brother in South Korea, where he's going to be teaching English.  I am excited, but scared about this!  I'm a picky eater, and worry about that, but more than that I am nervous about not speaking the language.  I've only been to Spanish or French speaking countries, and those are hard enough with a small understanding of the languages!  
  4. Stop spending as much money (although flights to South Korea sound really spendy!), to save up for an electrical overhaul of our house.  I'd really like for a professional to do this, as our home has some really old wiring (from knob and tube, up through about 4 different generations of other kinds of wiring) and no grounding (ground?  I don't know my electrical terms very well...), so it'd be good to be confident it's being fixed properly.
  5. Push myself to be more spontaneous!  I don't usually deal with change very well, and when last minute plans present themselves, I'll sometimes bail because I haven't mentally prepared myself.  But when I do follow through, they can be the most fun!  A couple weeks ago we were debating what to do on a Saturday night, and last minute decided to go see Capital Cities play, and I'm so glad we did!  I want to take advantage of those things that pop up.
So those are my "resolutions" sort of.   I mean, I still have weight to lose and really need to start going to the gym again, and I want to eat more vegetables and less cookies/baked goods, but those are boring and ongoing commitments.  I also don't want to be part of the cliche and join a gym on January 3rd, though I really should!  

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