Man, this has been a month!
Of course, my mom's tumor has been the biggest thing. She had her surgery, and is doing really really well now. Today she starts radiation, which will be every day for a couple weeks. Hope it doesn't negatively effect her much.
My parents moved. A biiiiiig move too! My childhood home, where they have lived for 22 years, and where I did most of my growing up, is no longer going to be their home. But their new home is amazing!
What a view, right? Personal Photo |
The only problem is they are on a big cliff, basically, and part of the retaining wall washed down...
Mere days after sitting here, this corner of the deck is potentially going to fall down! Personal Photo |
So the corner of the deck here, like, right where I was sitting, is now unsupported, and the post holding it up is a few inches off the ground. They put plastic down to hold up the dirt that is left until they can get it fixed better, but yikes!
Anyway, so they are living there and enjoying their beautiful view! Pretty exciting. But this big move plus my mom's health stuff means that we have (temporarily [hopefully]) had a fuzzy little house-guest...
The beast!!! Personal Photo |
My parents' dog (who is really mine and my brother's, but my brother is in South Korea) Mattie is living with us! She is incredibly stinky, kind of a pain, and 100% blind. Poor thing. She got an infection in one eye a few months ago, and then about two months ago it spread to the other. She spends her days bumping around into things and chilling. I was really worried about her coming to our house, where she hadn't ever been before, but after the first couple of timid days (and waking several times during the night) she seems to have adjusted pretty well. We neeeeeed to get her eyes removed, though. They are creepy demon eyes and look like they are melting in the sockets or something. Truly awful. (My parents didn't want to do it because she was kind of pathetic at first after going blind, so they thought they might just put her down. I can't decide if that would be more humane, but she seems to be so happy and in good spirits, so I'm very hesitant to do something so drastic! The surgery will be expensive, though.)
Amongst all the stressful stuff going on, I started to freak out and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. It was beating SO HARD I couldn't sleep, and I got really scared and went to the doctor. After talking it over (and getting an EKG!) we decided it is likely anxiety related, especially since it started right after my mom's diagnosis. But to be sure, I got to wear a Holter monitor around for a day, which was kind of weird...
I got to wear these pads all day and night! There were like 7 or 8 of them total. Personal Photo |
After returning the device and waiting a week, I got to go to the heart and vascular center and found out... I'm completely fine. Just a bit crazy. Well, they didn't say that, but I'm not surprised at all that anxiety was the cause. I've always been a bit of a worrier. So I guess I should probably talk to a therapist or something to try to chill the f out. But it's been mostly better since then, so that's good.
So that's what's going on! Actually, I found out some top-secret news from someone else, that isn't fit to share, but it's really exciting and awesome! And I might have some pretty exciting news soon too... I don't want to jinx it or say anything before I know anything myself, though!
Overall, March has been quite the month. And it isn't over yet!
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