Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Oh goodness, I am starting to feel like we're back on track!  We've gone to try on dresses twice now (just waiting for a good weekend for my FMIL and mom to both be available and healthy to go for a third appointment), and we've made a huuuuuuge decision!  Well, not 100% decided and booked, but it took so long to get to this point that it's worth celebrating!

That's right, we have found a photographer we both love and feel would be a great fit.  I don't want to jinx it, since I still need to set up a time for us to meet with her, but it's so exciting!  She even has our date open still!

The funny part is we have a bit of a connection to her.  I was compiling the world's longest list of potential photographers, and then trying to pare it down to ones whose style I loved and were still at least semi-affordable.  Meanwhile, Dino's former roommate's girlfriend (right?) was telling him to check out his former roommate's sister and her partner's photography.  I had kind of dismissed it, like, oh sure, I bet they are great.  When Dino and I finally sat down to look at the websites for the ones I liked the most from my list, one photographer in particular stood out, with clean, beautiful photography.  Then out of curiosity we started searching for the former roommate's sister, and that same photographer's site kept coming up.  We eventually figured out the sister is the second shooter for that photographer, and we are so pleased!  So I am hoping it is fate and will work out, because seriously.  Such pretty pictures.

So now I'm crossing my fingers that we'll get along well with her, and that my parents will not freak at the slightly high price tag (but it's so worth it!!!  These pictures will last forever, right?  I'm willing to pay for part myself!!).

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