But this year I was reminded how nice this holiday can be. Dino sent me flowers at work! That is a first, let me tell you.
They are much prettier than my cell phone can photograph... Personal Photo
Apparently his big romantic gestures are surprises, because he went to lengths to make sure I didn't find out! Sounds a bit like a proposal I experienced as well, and I LOVE IT. I know a lot of people don't like surprises, but I love them so so much; nothing makes me happier than a good surprise.
This week in general is a very important one now: two days ago was our "Engage-a-versary!"
Hard to believe this was a whole year ago. Personal Photo
We've been engaged for over a year. On the radio this morning they were talking about how long they were all engaged; most under 6 months, all under a year. Times have changed! But now we only have 6 more months to go, and I am getting so excited! However, our engage-a-versary was a little lackluster, in that we had chicken at home and watched TV together. Nice, but nothing too special.
So anyway, we might not go all out and have a fancy dinner out for our romantic celebrations, but I got more than I expected already. And tonight we'll make a nice dinner at home, some salmon, and just enjoy each other's company. I might even clean off the dining table and put the tablecloth on it to feel fancy.
How do you celebrate Valentine's Day? I love the non-traditional traditions, and tried to suggest we get Pizza and Fro-yo for dinner this year, but Dino was not as excited about that idea! And what is the appropriate way to celebrate an engage-a-versary?
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