I decided early on that I wanted to design our paper products. I worked on both the yearbook and newspaper in high school and college, and have some experience with layouts, design, and design programs. However, I am in no way a graphic designer, but I felt like being able to put my heart and work into the paper products would be more rewarding than just paying someone to do it for me. Plus everything gets thrown away, right?
So I started out with an idea for our Save the Dates. There was a design in my head that I just couldn't get out. I put together a rough one, and it looked like this:
All Photos by Jenny GG, Design by me (with extra blurring!)
I loved the look of the words coming off of the bottom section, and being on top of the photo. Dino, however, found that it was lacking... something. What? I have no idea. So, I scrapped it. And we both tried our hands at making some other designs.
This was one of Dino's designs, but I preferred the photo bleed off the page. Chevron looks funky when it is a border...
I started trying out different photos altogether, to see if that was the issue.
And trying new shapes and just starting from scratch several times...
I finally gave up on horizontal layouts, and came up with this.
That last one was when we realized we liked the vertical look a lot better. Unfortunately, we were planning on sending these out as postcards, though, so a vertical front side and a horizontal back would potentially be a little confusing and weird...
However, none of these are our final Save the Date! They were delivered today, though, so I will be sending them out VERY soon!!! And then I will share!
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