Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blog Everyday in April #15

What advice would you give the teenage you?
Hooo, man.  I would give teenage me a lot of advice!

  • Play sports!  Stay active!  Take PE even though you got out of it!  Get in the habit of being active and healthy!
  • Eat healthier!  Rice and cookies does not a healthy lunch make.  I don't know how often my lunch at school was pop tarts.  Get in the habit of eating well early!
  • You aren't fat.  You think you are (um, you're eating crap and hardly exercising), but you really aren't.  Embrace your body early.
  • It's okay to put yourself out there.  Take risks, you'll learn more about yourself.
  • Trust your instincts about people.  If they seem weird and like they aren't good people, they probably won't make good friends.
  • When you go to college, go to learn.  Find subjects that truly interest you, and learn.  Don't just do the work to get good grades.
  • Try to not get so angry at your mom.  She's trying to help, and it's your own fault that you didn't finish earlier.  Accept her critiques, improve your work, and don't lose your cool.  She's pretty darn cool.
  • It's okay to revise stuff you've written.  I've never gotten in the habit of making drafts and editing, and this goes way back.  Take time to do good work, not just to finish.
  • Don't worry that you don't date anyone.  You're not ready.  You're saving your heart lots of unnecessary pain, and saving yourself from awkward situations.  Love will find you, you don't have to rush it.
Teenage me was pretty chill, honestly.  I wasn't wild and crazy, and was pretty much a homebody.  I wouldn't really change much about my teenage years, except to maybe set myself up for more success as a grown up.  

What would you tell your younger self?

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