Saturday, April 26, 2014

Blog Everyday in April #26

Tell us things you've learned about life that school didn't teach you.
Ah yes, learning in the real world.  I am really good at school.  Always was, got good grades, did my homework...  Funnily, that doesn't necessarily translate to being good at life.  That was the first thing I learned.  There isn't a syllabus, no instructions or guidelines to follow, no way to ace life.

I have also learned that growing up doesn't mean you change who you are.  I'm older than I ever thought about being when I was younger, but don't feel like I'm old.  It's hard for me to remember that other people are the same way too!  I still treat people older than me like they have it all figured out, like they have all the answers just because they are older, when that likely isn't the case.

Another thing is that you care so much more about yourself and what you are doing than anyone else in the world.  I care about how I appear and come across WAY more than even Dino cares about me.  I find myself constantly wondering what other people think of me, which is crazy self-centered and almost 100% exactly what other people are thinking (as in, wondering what other people think about them).  It's hard to ignore that sometimes, but I want to try to concern myself with doing good things or nice things for others, rather than trying to appear like a good or nice person.

Finally, health is so fickle and so important.  My mom has shown me that.  I knew it was important to eat right and exercise, but it really isn't up to you sometimes.  No matter what you do, sometimes your body betrays you.

What has the real world taught you that school didn't?

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