Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blog Everyday in April #30

Today's the last day!  Today I get to tell you 3 random facts about me.

  1. I can touch my nose with my tongue.  I think the only thing this proves is that my tongue is abnormally long or something.  
  2. I'm not sure I believe in having favorites.  When I was little my favorite animal changed all the time.  Seals, dogs, wombats, whales, and all kinds of other animals held the position of "favorite" at one time or another.  And my favorite color changed a lot too.  Purple, pink, blue, green, even yellow and orange.  Instead of favorites, I think I just find certain things more interesting and compelling at one time or another.  It's more flexible than being tied to a single "FAVORITE."
  3. Seeing "The Sound of Music" as a child inspired me to learn the notes forward and backward.  I would practice.  Do re mi fa so la ti do, do ti la so fa mi re do.  It's second nature now!  I also tried to learn the alphabet backwards fluidly, but haven't quite mastered it yet.  I may or may not still hope to be able to spit out a backwards alphabet as easily as reciting it a-z...
Anyone have any tricks for a backwards alphabet?  Do you have favorites?  And can you reach your tongue to your nose?

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